Cash Flow & Budget Analysis

Cash Flow and Budget Analysis

Good cash management can improve a company's liquidity, reduce costs, and increase profitability. Experts from RASHA can help you maintain optimal cash flow levels by tracking sources and uses, forecasting, and budgeting accordingly. Cash flow can make or break the business's ability to survive. We can help you analyze your spending and rebalance your budget and/or debts for an optimal cash flow to support your business's success. This plan would be monitored so that if and when there were any major changes in your business structure, you would be assured of operating at an optimal level. With our help and guidance, you will always be on top of your finances and ready for the future.


    Silver Plan
    Rs 8000
    Advisory on Starting a Business
    Allotment of TAN for the proprietorship
    MSME Registration (Udyog Aadhar)
    Shops & Establishment Registration
    Bank A/c opening Support
    Purchase Now
    Golden Plan
    Rs 12000
    Advisory on Starting a Business
    Allotment of TAN for the proprietorship
    MSME Registration (Udyog Aadhar)
    Shops & Establishment Registration
    Bank A/c opening Support
    Professional Tax Registration
    Purchase Now

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