Trade Mark Services in India
At RASHA we provide following services under Trade Mark Laws in India:
- Trademark Search and issuance of Search Report
- Opinion on the registrability of the trademark
- Filing of trademark applications
- Responding/replying to office of Registrar and actions
- Handling trademark opposition proceedings
- Appearance before the registrar of Trade Mark
- Dispute resolution and litigation
- Advice on validity of registrations
- Advice on infringement and passing off
- Issuing legal notice (cease and desist letters)
- Publishing caution notice
- Trademark watch and monitoring services
- Renewal of trademarks
- Trademark due diligence
- Drafting license agreements, franchisee agreements and assignment deeds etc.
- Application under Madrid Protocol for registration of International Trade Mark
The process of Registration of Trade Mark In India:
Registration of Trademark usually involves the following steps:
- A preliminary search of existing Trademark.
- An application for the registration of Trademark.
- An examination of your application by the Trade Mark Registry (TMR).
- Publication of your mark in the Trademarks Journal.
- Opposition to the registration.
- Correction and amendment in the application.
- Acceptance of Registration.
Contact us for application of Logo/Brand Name/Trade Mark/ Mark/ Business Name in Delhi (India) on +91-8826983883, mail at
Silver Plan
Rs 8000
Advisory on Starting a Business
Allotment of TAN for the proprietorship
MSME Registration (Udyog Aadhar)
Shops & Establishment Registration
Bank A/c opening Support
Platinum Plan

Rs 22000
Advisory on Starting a Business
Allotment of TAN for the proprietorship
MSME Registration (Udyog Aadhar)
Shops & Establishment Registration
Bank A/c opening Support
Professional Tax Registration
GST Registration
Trademark Registration
Golden Plan
Rs 12000
Advisory on Starting a Business
Allotment of TAN for the proprietorship
MSME Registration (Udyog Aadhar)
Shops & Establishment Registration
Bank A/c opening Support
Professional Tax Registration
Customise Your Own Service Package
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