Set up planning

Start a Business in India

The first and foremost thing, before starting a business is to decide the format of your business. The criteria for choosing the form of business are its tax treatment, the ability to raise funding, transfer of ownership, ease of formation etc.; To start your business as proprietorship or partnership, it takes one day. However, for a company, it may take a week.


    Silver Plan
    Rs 8000
    Advisory on Starting a Business
    Allotment of TAN for the proprietorship
    MSME Registration (Udyog Aadhar)
    Shops & Establishment Registration
    Bank A/c opening Support
    Purchase Now
    Golden Plan
    Rs 12000
    Advisory on Starting a Business
    Allotment of TAN for the proprietorship
    MSME Registration (Udyog Aadhar)
    Shops & Establishment Registration
    Bank A/c opening Support
    Professional Tax Registration
    Purchase Now

    Customise Your Own Service Package

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