Know more about Taxation Services

Taxation Services At RASHA

Our Team of Experts will provide advisory in the matters of direct and indirect tax matters and issues related to that including following services includes as under:-

  • Guidance in compilation of corporate tax returns such as Income tax, wealth tax & e-filing thereof with Central Processing Centre of Income Tax Department.
  • Online verification of Tax demand, Tax Refund & review of tax credit available on IT website.
  • Tax compliance - Calculation of estimated advance tax liability on quarterly basis and review thereof on each quarter.
  • TDS compliance, filing of returns & issuance of TDS Certificates.
  • Compilation of tax details for audit and support to the auditors.
  • Management of tax records and reports in both Soft and Hard files.
  • Transfer Pricing Study and Report and certification.
  • Compliance to notices issued by Income Tax Department time to time in the regular course of business
  • Compilation of Various details for Income Tax Scrutiny matters and representation before Assessing Authorities.
  • Filing of appeal before various forum such as CIT (Appeal) & ITAT
  • Drafting of  Written submissions/Paper Book to be filed before Appellate Authorities
  • Drafting of petition for stay of  outstanding demand
  • Appearance before  Appellate Authorities
  • To appear before Investigation Wing of the Department in Search & Survey matters.
  • To represent Foreign National/ foreign companies before Income Tax Authorities
  • To claim refund on behalf of foreign companies those do not have their PE in India.
  • Personal Taxation Consultancy Services

Our services includes as under:-

  • Guidance in compilation of Individual tax returns such as Income tax, wealth tax & e-filing thereof with Central Processing Centre of Income Tax Department.
  • Online verification of Tax demand, Tax Refund & review of tax credit available on IT website.
  • Tax compliance - Calculation of estimated advance tax liability on quarterly basis and review thereof on each quarter.
  • Management of tax records and reports in both Soft and Hard files.
  • Compliance to notices issued by Income Tax Department, if any.
  • Compilation of Various details for Income Tax Scrutiny matters if need be.
  • Filing of appeal before various forum such as CIT (Appeal) & ITAT
  • Drafting of  Written submissions/Paper Book to be filed before Appellate Authorities
  • Drafting of petition for stay of  outstanding demand.
  • Appearance before  Appellate Authorities
  • To appear before  Investigation Wing of the Department in Search & Survey matters
  • Personal Tax Consultancy including Tax Planning.
  • Obtaining PAN & Digital Signature
  • Long term Capital Gain Tax saving package.
  • Tax Representations

We undertake tax representations on behalf of  various tax entities such as individual, partnership firm ,  AOP, Trust,  Society,  Company and Limited Liability Partnership  before the Revenue authorities for Tax Assessments,  & Tax appellate Proceedings including Transfer Pricing matters.

Foreign Remittance Certifications

We also undertake consultancy and certification services required for foreign remittances u/s  195 of the Income tax Act, 1961.

Our services include  as under:-

  • To advise clients  in advance about estimated Tax liability on account of withholding tax on various foreign remittances as per Indian Income tax Act / DTAA.
  • Issuance Foreign Remittance Certificates  in Form No. 15CB under the various provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • We guide in the Royalty and Technical know-how workings as per Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines and formats and withholding the tax certification on such remittances.
  • Obtaining certificates from Income Tax department for non/lower deduction of tax at source (TDS).
  • Representations before International taxation authorities regarding matters arising out of withholding tax on foreign remittances.
  • We also help in other documentation and remittance support and dealing with authorized dealers regarding foreign remittances.



Income tax is a direct tax, in this system assessee who earn income himself pay tax directly to the designated authority who has empower to collect tax under the Income Tax Act.

Every person is liable to file return, if his total income or the total income of any other person in respect of which he is assessable under this Act during the previous year exceeded the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income-tax, shall, on or before the due date, furnish a return of his income or the income of such other person during the previous year, in the prescribed form and verified in the prescribed manner and setting forth such other particulars as may be prescribed.


GST is an Indirect Tax which has replaced many Indirect Taxes in India. The Goods and Service Tax Act was passed in the Parliament on 29th March 2017. The Act came into effect on 1st July 2017; Goods & Services Tax Law in India is a comprehensivemulti-stagedestination-based tax that is levied on every value addition.


At RASHA we provide Tax advisory services which are designed to meet your business tax compliance and advisory needs. Our tax experts draw on their diverse perspectives and skills to give you a seamless service through all the challenges of planning, financial accounting, tax compliance and maintaining effective relationships with the tax authorities.


Tax planning is the analysis of one's financial situation from a tax efficiency to plan one's finances in the most optimized manner.Tax planning allows a taxpayer to make the best use of the various tax exemptions, deductions and benefits to minimize their tax liability over a financial year.